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Planning Board Minutes 05/17/2012
May 17, 2012
Subdivision & Site Plan Review Regulations

Members & Staff Present:          Diane Chauncey (Secretary)    David Dubois (Chair)    
Jesse Lazar (Vice-Chair)          Charles Levesque (Member)             Steve MacDonald (Member)           Sarah VanderWende (Member)   

Members & Staff Absent:
Mike Genest (Ex-officio)        Martha Pinello (Member) Janet McEwen (Alternate)

Public Attendees:    

7:00PM Public Meeting:

Chair opened the meeting at 7:02PM

Knapton Circle update -

The Board reviewed items that needed to be addressed with Knapton Circle:
  • Final inspection never completed
  • No as-built plans submitted (Mr. Peter Mellen designed the as-built plans)
The Board had determined that the road should have its final inspection and that the as-built plans should be recorded.

The Board also decided that as built plans and final inspections sections should be reviewed  in the Subdivision and Site Plan Review Regulations to reflect the revision process.

SEC – determine important topics

Mr. Levesque read the following motion:

Motion: To appoint a subcommittee of Martha Pinello and Charles Levesque to represent the Antrim Planning Board before the NH Site Evaluation Committee relative to the Antrim Wind Energy, LLC docket. To charge the subcommittee with addressing the planning and zoning related issues of the Antrim Wind Energy, LLC SEC application during the SEC process based on the Antrim Master Plan, Zoning Ordinances, and Site Plan Review and Subdivision regulations to include but not be limited to: RCD and requirements and restrictions; setbacks; fall zones; lighting; sound; roads and driveways; parking areas; signage; wetlands and flood zones; utilities; erosion, sedimentation and storm water drainage; fences and walls; fire safety, prevention and control; building design and layout; septic systems; waste disposal; performance bonding; plans and surveys; subdivisions; other.  

The subcommittee is further charged with participating in all SEC functions in the Antrim Wind Energy, LLC docket including and not limited to: attending SEC meetings, conferences, technical sessions, and adjudicative hearings; identifying and developing testimony of witnesses and filing such testimony, requesting information from the applicant; cross-examining witnesses and participating in the SEC process to the fullest extent allowed of intervenors.

Lastly the subcommittee is charged with meeting with and strategizing with other intervenors and other interested parties as well as the applicant to best be prepared for the SEC proceedings.

Mr. Levesque clarified the definition of strategizing as to mean strategizing with other intervenors but not to align with other intervenors.

Ms. Vanderwende suggested using the phraseology used by the SEC in its instruction to intervenors.

Motion made by: Mr. Levesque; seconded by Mr. Lazar.
Vote:  All in favor  

Subdivision & Site Plan Review Regulations – Board to review section by section and update and amend as needed

Mr. Levesque suggested that the Board go directly to the sections of the Subdivision and Site Plan Review Regulations that needed major changes.

Chair Dubois stated his concern for jumping ahead and reasoned that the Board would still need to review each section.

Mr. Lazar also stated that he thought it best to continue in the section by section review.

The Board struggled with the best way to edit the document. The Regulations have been undergoing changes since 2007.  Because of the years that have passed and the numerous Town Planners, there are multiple versions of the Regulations. The Board discussed whether to work with the current regulations (the regulations that a developer would use currently for a proposed subdivision or a site plan review) or should the Board work with one of  the edited versions (versions by former Town Engineer (Peter Pitsas), multiple versions in the Planning Department drive). Board members expressed their opinions.

Motion: To edit the current version of the Subdivision and Site Plan Review Regulations as the template for editing, and not to pursue Option B in this revision process (Option B – an alternate bond option had been a part of the previous drafts).

Motion made by: Mr. Lazar; seconded by Mr. MacDonald
Vote: Unanimous to edit the current version Subdivision & Site Plan Review Regulations

Hearing Fees update

The Hearing Fees (which had been updated by the Board: 1. changed the Conceptual Consultation fee of $100.00 to $0.00; 2. added the Design Phase for a $100.00 fee) require a Public Hearing. The Public Hearing will occur on June 4, 2012.

Motion: Ms. Chauncey should attend the Board of Selectmen meeting on June 4, 2012
Motion made by: Mr. Levesque; seconded by Mr. MacDonald.
Vote: Unanimous
Business Meeting:

May 3, 2012 Minutes to be approved

Motion to accept: Mr. Lazar; seconded by: Mr. Levesque
Vote: Minutes were approved, as amended, by a unanimous vote

Workshops & Trainings:

Planning Board and Land Use Regulations – Carol Ogilvie – May 31, 2012

Board will meet May 31, 2012 – 6PM – 8PM at the Little Town Hall and will invite the ZBA to attend.

Your Land, Clean Water, Your Legacy – Contoocook River Workshop – May 23, 2012 – Pats Peak – 6 - 8PM

Town of Jaffrey – New Cingular Wireless PCS – Site Plan for a proposed wireless communications facility – FYI

Protecting Our Lakes and Streams, Doing More with Less – Two sessions – May 24 (Keene Public Library) & June 6 (Harris Center) – FYI

SWRPC Commission Highlights – April Edition – FYI

Application for Driveway Permit – James Creighton, Map 213 Lot 25 –FYI

Driveway Permit #04-017-0010 – Ted Hutchinson, Map 211 Lots 33 & 34 – FYI

Motion made by: Ms. VanderWende; seconded by Mr. Lazar
Vote: Unanimous to adjourn

Respectfully submitted, Diane Chauncey, Secretary of the Planning Board